Nissan Tiida 2007 Seats: 5
"I know each and every corner of Lilongwe"
This driver can also be booked per day at the following cost.
Rate per day: US$46.00 Rate per km: US$0.10 These rates exclude the fuel costs. Book this driver per day Or scroll down to see standard trips. |
Most vehicles and drivers are available for either a single one-way transfer or to remain with you. If you select a car and driver for a one-way journey then the price you pay is inclusive of fuel. If however you select a driver on a per day basis then unless stated otherwise the costs you incur are (i) price per day (which includes all of the driver costs), (ii) price per km and ( iii) fuel. Therefore the price that you pay will vary depending on the car / driver option that you select, the number of days and the total distance that you travel. |
Standard Journeys Available: | Price (US$) |
Cape Maclear | US$172.5 |
Senga Bay | US$115 |
Zambian Border | US$115 |
Liwonde | US$230 |